Books are a uniquely portable magic. — Stephen King


Our Information Centre was remodelled in 2012 and is now a vibrant, inclusive and popular space within our school where students explore the MAGIC found in books and more!

Students have access to a wide range of high interest books and resources, including current non-fiction texts, picture books, sophisticated picture books, graphic novels, magazines and junior and senior novels. The space also boasts a media room, equipped with a visualiser, LED TV and Apple TV, which is often booked out by classes for research or guest speakers.

To find a relevant book, students are able to search the catalogue from a dedicated iPad within the Information Centre. They can also access this search engine from any computer via!dashboard, and can even log in to their account to add reviews or check what books they have issued and when they are due back.

Classes visit the Information Centre on a regular basis and students are able to take books home and are particularly encouraged to do so over the school holidays to continue fostering their love for reading.

Our library is continually updated by our wonderful librarian, and we are always lucky to have a number of enthusiastic and motivated student information centre technicians who work to keep this a MAGIC space.