The Matakana PTA Committee
President - Sue McKinney
Treasurer - Carey Tasker
Secretary - Georgina McMillan
Team - Emma Tasker, Sally Pringle, Andrea Turnbull
New to the school? Welcome!
To welcome new parents to the school the PTA host a morning tea usually in the third week of each term, this is a casual affair and is a nice way to ask any questions about the school meet other parents and enjoy a coffee on us. You will receive an invitation shortly after your child starts school.
Who are the PTA?
As parents and caregivers of children at Matakana school we are all considered members of the PTA. As a committee we are passionate about providing a memorable experience for our children at Matakana school and a supportive environment for parents, caregivers and teachers. Our mission is to initiate and run extra events and activities for the children that enhance their time at Matakana school and to add wonderful memories of primary school.
What do the PTA do?
Over the school year, the PTA organise the school disco, bake sales, the tuck shop at inter school cross country, ice blocks at cross country, the end of year 'surprise' and other things as they come up or are suggested. The funds raised from these PTA events contribute to added extras within the school. We take advice from the teachers and parents on where to spend the funds raised at the end of each year.
How does the PTA at Matakana School work?
The PTA at Matakana is a support network for parents and friends of the school. Unlike other schools, the Matakana PTA is not the primary fundraising committee. Any fundraising required to cover running costs of the school is coordinated and managed by the Board of Trustees fundraising committee (Community Relations and Fundraising Subcommittee (CRFS for short).
Helping the community to thrive...
It is a special part of the world up here, we and our children are so fortunate to be part of this wonderful community. It is with each persons involvement, no matter how big or small that we can continue to thrive as a school community.
How to get in touch...
We always welcome ideas, suggestions, help or just your presence at the PTA meeting or any of the events or activities we organise. If you would like to get involved or have any questions please contact the PTA team via our facebook page or
Cupcake Fundraiser, raising $800 for House leader t-shirts, flags and cup
Junior Run, Jump, Throw - cooling down with a PTA iceblock
The PTA Friendship Garden established in 2015.