School Uniform is compulsory at Matakana School and can be purchased in the following ways:
New Entrants or Transferring Students: Via the school office or Kindo (our online school shop)
All Students: Via Kindo.
2nd hand uniform: This is now kept in the school office. Boxes in size order are available to view at anytime. Payment options are via Kindo, EFTPOS or cash.
All orders placed before 10am will be filled the same day, and delivered to your child's class, or you may specify to collect it from the school office.
Uniform queries can be emailed to
Please remember to label all garments clearly so we can return them to you if found. Garments found that are not labelled and not claimed are sold as 2nd hand uniform.
Uniform consists of:
Boys - Shorts, polo, fleece with hat and a lighter weight short option for term 4 & 1.
Girls - Skort, polo, fleece with hat and dress option for term 4 & 1.
Unisex - School track pants are available for term 2 & 3.
Unisex - House T shirts - Can be worn for notified House days or special events throughout the year.
Socks and tights - Please keep these to plain navy blue.
Footwear - No specific footware is prescribed by the school.
Plain navy tights, socks, leggings and long sleeved skivvies may be worn under the uniform in term 2 & 3. They may not be worn under dresses in summer.
Stripy, patterned, fashion colourful tights are to be saved for outside school hours
Skort waist sizing - 2 (25cm), 4 (27cm), 6 (29cm), 8 (30cm), 10 (31cm), 12 (32cm), 14 (33cm), 16 (35cm)
Short waist sizing - 4 (27cm), 6 (29cm), 8 (30cm), 10 (32cm), 12 (33cm), 14 (34cm), 16 (36cm)
Polo - Across shoulders / nape to bottom - 4 (30cm/44cm), 6 (31cm/49cm), 8 (33cm/54cm),10 (34cm/57cm), 12 (37cm/63cm), 14 (39cm/67cm), S (39cm/69cm)
Sports shorts